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To Extrovert or to Introvert...That is the Question.

What is it to be between an extrovert or an introvert? How do those of us handle our want of social interaction and desperate need for isolation? How can you tell the difference between an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? The answers to these questions can range from simple to extremely complicated.

Extrovert- "one whose personality is characterized by extroversion; broadly : a gregarious and unreserved person" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, definition HERE)

Introvert- "to turn inward or in upon itself: such as

a : to concentrate or direct upon oneself

b : to produce psychological introversion in" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, definition HERE)

Ambivert- "a person having characteristics of both extrovert and introvert." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, definition HERE)

Most extroverts love to be in the action. Most thrive in large and active social situations whereas introverts do better with less social interaction and smaller to no crowds. As for we ambiverts, many of us require a balance of both introvert and extrovert qualities. We like socially interacting with others (some ambiverts lean more towards extrovert tendencies than others.) like extroverts, but we may need a period of recharge because like introverts (some ambiverts have more introverted qualities than extroverted.) we can become physically and emotionally rung out.

Some ambiverts are right smack dab in the middle, like myself. I like talking to people, but I find it extremely exhausting and if I can't recharge my emotional battery it drives me bat shit crazy! This makes it exceptionally hard since I live with someone who wants to be around people more than I do. My older sister defiantly has way more extrovert tendencies than I do when it comes to wanting to go out and hang with a lot of people, even though she can get nervous and be a bit shy in some situations.

Believe it or not, I'm better at public speaking than she is; but she has an easier time in a club or busy bar setting than I do. Hell, I can't even go Black Friday shopping without having a panic attack! (That is another story for another time though!) I guess what I'm saying is I prefer a calmer, relaxed, and familiar setting than to the local club scenes. I know that makes me sound more reserved but I'm not that reserved; I just don't enjoy loud scenes, prefer a place where I can talk and hear someone without us having to induce laryngitis on ourselves, and I prefer conversing with people I mostly know personally. But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy conversing with people I don't know well, it just means that I take a bit to warm up with someone I don't know well.

Is there a way to physically tell the difference between the three of them? No. Is there some sort of body language or signals I should be looking for? Not really. Do introverts wear all black, and extroverts wear bright colors, with ambiverts color choices falling somewhere in between? Hell no! Ambiverts, extroverts, and introverts are people, there are no physical differences that make them stand out anymore than other people. Not all introverts wear black and glasses, not all of them are emo vampires after all. Same goes for extroverts. Just because a lot of them have happy bubbly personalities doesn't mean they like to wear every color of the rainbow 24/7! And ambiverts aren't the exact carbon copy of one or the other. I'm an ambivert and prefer earthy colors like grays, browns, and yes blacks. But not all ambiverts like those colors, some like wearing bright yellows or reds. Even many introverts like to wear colors and some extroverts like to wear all black. As for body language, there is no right or wrong body language. It's just individual preference, some like to keep their hands to themselves and expect others to do the same. While some introverts and ambiverts prefer a minimum to no human contact does't mean they all despise it. I hate cuddling but that doesn't mean the ambivert down the street from me doesn't like to cuddle; and FYI, not all extroverts are comfortable with touching other people either.

So how can you really tell if you're an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert? Well, take a moment to look at yourself, I mean mentally but if you want to look at yourself in a mirror go ahead, I wont judge ;). Like I said up top, there are no physical requirements. Its all mental.

There are many questions you can ask yourself; like "how am I in social situations? Do I like it or do I panic?" "Do I enjoy the spotlight or do I prefer a dark corner?" "After I interact with people do I require a recharge period?" "Do I mentally explode and shut down when thinking about interacting with others?" You can simply evaluate yourself just by asking these or other questions about how you react to and handle social situations. If you tend to avoid them then you might be an ambivert with introvert tendencies, or a straight up introvert. If you love getting up and singing Journey's Anyway You Want It at your local karaoke bar then maybe you're an extrovert, or maybe you're an ambivert with extrovert traits, or maybe you're just a human with a good taste in music. Some take to social interactions better than others. Don't let labels and definitions define you, instead be who you are and love yourself; even if you're not the social butterfly you or anybody else thinks you should be! I'm happy being me, social awkwardness and all! Loves and cheers peoples!

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